Oman has decided to suspend all tourist visas for one month, starting March 15.
The decision was taken during a meeting of a special committee, which was set up to tackle the outbreak of COVID-19.
The GCC country has banned cruise ships from entering Omani ports for a month, while all sporting activities and non-class student activities have been suspended for the same period.
For 30 days, court attendance is limited to only those involved in cases, while the committee has also advised people to take preventive measures during religious rites, family and social gatherings, and not to go to cinemas.
اللجنة العليا المكلفة ببحث آلية التعامل مع التطورات الناتجة عن انتشار فيروس #كورونا /كوفيد 19/ تقرر في اجتماعها الأول إيقاف الفعاليات الرياضية بكافة أنواعها ابتداء من الأحد 15 مارس الجاري pic.twitter.com/1yde0PeQ0P
— وكالة الأنباء العمانية (@OmanNewsAgency) March 12, 2020
On Thursday, Oman's Ministry of Health announced a new case of coronavirus in the country, taking the total to 19 (10 of them are active cases).
وزارة الصحة تعلن عن تسجيل حالة إصابة جديدة بمرض فيروس #كورونا (19-coVID) لمواطن ويخضع حاليًا للعلاج بالمستشفى pic.twitter.com/c5eXTtxP7u
— وكالة الأنباء العمانية (@OmanNewsAgency) March 12, 2020