Ain Zoo is taking all possible steps to conserve the Rhinoceroses, which are an endangered species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List
The Zoo diligently follows the best international global breeding practices and raises awareness of the importance of wildlife conservation.
"Al Ain Zoo is home to a group of 11 rhinos, 5 males and 6 females and has dedicated a number of animal exhibits zones specifically for them, providing an integrated care regimen in an environment that matches their natural habitat as far as possible, as well as fulfilling nutritional and behavioural needs," a statement from the Zoo read.
It added that a comprehensive health care system with specialised vets and animal caregivers has helped stimulate natural breeding patterns and doubled the number of rhinos in the Zoo over the past years.
The Zoo has also partnered with Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya to amp up their efforts to support the conservation of endangered wild black and white rhinoceroses and protect them from illegal trade.