Private schools in the UAE will face penalties if they don't abide by the set of guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education that's aimed at promoting and preserving the country's national identity.
Taking to Twitter, the ministry reminded that the nine requirements are in line with Article 28 of Federal Decree-Law No. 18 of 2020.
School communities must respect the symbols and sovereignty of the UAE, and observe the values and culture of the nation.
The national anthem must be performed during the morning assembly, while the national flag must be raised according to the guidelines set by the Emirate where the school is located.
Education institutions must refrain from placing pictures or paintings of people or symbols other than the UAE leaders and must ensure that curricular and learning resources do not violate the UAE laws.
Here's the full list:
- Observing public morals and the values and culture of the UAE
- Respecting the symbols and sovereignty of the UAE
- Hanging the official pictures of the rulers in accordance with the guidelines approved by individual Emirates
- Performing the UAE national anthem during the morning assembly
- Raising the UAE flag in the school in accordance with the guidelines listed by the authorities
- Refraining from placing pictures or paintings of persons or symbols other than the UAE leaders
- Employees must observe the general appearance in accordance with the traditions and customs of the UAE
- Obtaining the necessary approvals to hold extra-curricular activities, celebrations, and student events
- Ensuring that the curricula or learning resources do not include any violation of the laws of the UAE, or the culture, values and national firm principles of society
وزارة التربية والتعليم، تشدد على ضرورة الالتزام بكافة الاشتراطات والمتطلبات الصادرة في المادة (11) من المرسوم بقانون اتحادي رقم (18) لسنة 2020 والتي تهدف إلى ترسيخ مفاهيم الهوية الوطنية لدى الطلبة وتعزيز انتماءهم الوطني في المدارس الخاصة. pic.twitter.com/r910Z3dqkA
— وزارة التربية والتعليم (@MOEUAEofficial) December 5, 2022