Dubai's recent decision to enable tenants to pay rent via a direct debt system will make it easier for landlords to get paid.
That's the message from the Dubai Land Department (DLD), speaking on the Property Today programme on Dubai Eye 103.8's The Agenda.
The DLD's Ejari rental platform is now fully integrated with the UAE Central Bank's Direct Debit System, which allows tenants to automatically pay rent directly from their bank accounts.
This change is aimed at streamlining the payment process and providing a more efficient method for recurrent payments in Dubai.
Cheques have traditionally been the dominant method in the rental market, but with the introduction of direct debits, this is expected to have a positive impact on both tenants and landlords.
However, some landlords have expressed concerns about their ability to enforce rent collection without the use of cheques.
Judge Abdulqader Mousa, the head of the DLD's Rental Dispute Centre said the new system provides a quicker and more secure method for landlords to collect their rent.
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