Jumeira district's branding campaign gets underway in Dubai


Dubai’s Jumeira neighbourhood is getting a major boost with the launch of a brand identity campaign.

The drive is the latest addition to the Jumeira Project, an initiative launched in 2018 to transform the district into a creative and social destination.

Brand Dubai, the creative arm of the Government of Dubai Media Office, has created a new blue logo.

It features the Arabic word Jumeira, with the curves representing the waves, while its sharp angles reflect the design of the area’s modern buildings.

A series of art, environmental and sports events is being planned to promote the neighbourhood.

Brand Dubai is running the campaign in partnership with the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, Dubai Municipality, Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing, Dubai Sports Council and Dubai Culture and Arts Authority.

It will highlight Jumeira’s unique character as a bridge between the city’s past and present. The campaign also celebrates the combination of Emirati heritage and cosmopolitan urban spirit that defines Jumeira.

Mona Al Marri, Director General of the Government of Dubai Media Office said: "The Jumeira brand identity initiative is aligned with the vision of Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s vision to raise Dubai’s profile as a cultural and tourism destination both regionally and globally. Through the campaign, we seek to highlight the neighbourhood’s vibrant character and its rich history.."

The Jumeira logo is currently displayed on Jumeira Road's signage and billboards in the area.

In addition, it will also be used by government and semi-government entities when organising activities and events.

Hotels, restaurants and cafes along the Jumeira Road will also display the logo at their premises.

Brand Dubai activates Jumeira’s brand identity campaign

أطلقه "براند دبي" لتأكيد الهوية المرئية لأحد أهم مناطق الإمارة شعار "جميرا" يروي قصة شارع كان شاهداً على التطور الحضاري لدبي أعلن براند دبي؛ الذراع الإبداعي للمكتب الإعلامي لحكومة دبي، وبالشراكة مع "هيئة الطرق والمواصلات في دبي"، و"بلدية دبي"، و"دائرة السياحة والتسويق التجاري"، و"مجلس دبي الرياضي" و"هيئة دبي للثقافة"، عن التوسّع في تطبيق الهوية المرئية لــ "مشروع جميرا" انطلاقاً من أهمية هذا المشروع بكل ما يحتويه من مبادرات وأنشطة أضافت أبعاداً جديدة لهذه المنطقة الحيوية التي تتمتع بمكانة خاصة على المستوى المجتمعي والثقافي لارتباطها بتاريخ دبي ولكونها شاهدةً على مختلف مراحل التطور التي مرت بها الإمارة خلال العقود الماضية. وترتكز الهوية المرئية لمشروع جميرا على الشعار الذي رُوعي في تصميمه البساطة حيث جاء على شكل كلمة "جميرا بالعربي" التي تمت كتابتها بأسلوب إبداعي يعبّر عن أكثر من فكرة. فقد جاءت خطوط الكلمة لتترجم ارتباط هذا الحي العريق بالبحر، حيث كانت منطقة جميرا مقراً لعدد كبير من أهل دبي. Brand Dubai activates Jumeira’s brand identity campaign Jumeira’s brand identity highlights its unique character as a social hub Campaign seeks to raise the neighbourood’s profile as a destination that provides diverse creative experiences Brand Dubai, the creative arm of the Government of Dubai Media Office (GDMO), in partnership with the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), Dubai Municipality, Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing, Dubai Sports Council and Dubai Culture and Arts Authority has activated a destination brand identity campaign for Jumeira aimed at further raising the neighbourood’s profile as a social and cultural hub that provides diverse creative and aesthetic experiences for residents and visitors.

Posted by Government of Dubai Media Office on Tuesday, December 15, 2020

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