North Korea is showing no signs of defusing the situation in the Korean peninsula after it rejected the South's offer to send special envoys.
Sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, Kim Yo Jong, "flatly rejected the tactless and sinister proposal" put forth by South Korean President Moon Jae-in and instead, vowed to deploy troops to the border areas.
"The solution to the present crisis between the North and the South caused by the incompetence and irresponsibility of the South Korean authorities is impossible and it can be terminated only when proper price is paid," the sate media agency KCNA said.
She also launched a scathing attack on Moon in another KCNA statement, saying he had failed to implement any of the 2018 pacts and "put his neck into the noose of pro-U.S. flunkeyism".
It comes a day after Pyongyang blew up its South Korean liaison office in a border town.