Dubai's Crown Prince His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has issued a resolution to regulate the functioning of public libraries in the city.
The move is aimed at further enhancing the dissemination of knowledge, promoting a culture of reading, fostering a strong sense of national identity among the youth, and raising awareness among them about the importance of innovation and scientific research.
The decision applies to all public libraries, including special development zones and free zones, digital ones and those established under special laws and run by government entities.
It outlines the Dubai Culture & Arts Authority’s responsibilities and functions related to the regulation of public libraries. These include the establishment, operation and management of public libraries, provision of human and technical resources and organisation of cultural, artistic and literary events.
The authority will detail the membership process, adding that it will be open to all institutions and the public for a renewable five-year plan.
The Chairperson of the Dubai Culture & Arts Authority is authorised to issue the Executive Regulations necessary for implementing this Resolution.
The move will be effective from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.